Bega Valley Coaches - Bega
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Bega Valley Coaches - Bega.
Fleet List | Operator Information Disposal List |
Bus # | Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
9102 | 1102 MO | Denning Manufacturing Phoenix LF | 6T9P05ABJ904UF007 | NCBC "Downtown City Bus" | 513 | 9/09 | B43FW |
Displayed at the 2009 Sydney Bus Show. | |||||||
0810 | 1100 MO | Denning Phoenix - Cummins | 6T9P05ABJ804UF005 | NCBC | 475 | 5/08 | C57F |
ex B57F; ex MO 0810 9/08. | |||||||
2016 | 1103 MO | Bustech SDi - Cummins ISL | 6K9SLBH33GB039006 | Bustech SDi | 16/011 | 4/16 | C57F |
ex 7859 MO 6/16; First reg 31/3/16. | |||||||
2019 | 1101 MO | Bustech XDi - Cummins ISL | 6K9XLBH33JB039036 | Bustech XDi | 17/130 | 12/18 | C51FW |
ex 8839 MO by 21/1/19; Reg 13/12/18. | |||||||
3105 | 1105 MO | Denning Phoenix | 6V9P09DENDA070020 | Denning Manufacturing Phoenix Silver | 15204 | 7/13 | C48FT |
First reg 19/8/13; Displayed at the 2013 Sydney Bus Show. | |||||||
1104 MO | Iveco Delta | 6F2BACR007DP00565 | Volgren SC222 | VP0644 | 2/08 | C57F | |
ex TV 1150 by 7/18; Reg 7/9/16 ex Mining Company, NT (19485) 907011 via Hassall's Auctions, Cairns 7/15. | |||||||
Total buses in fleet = 6 |
© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact NSW Moderators