Wangaratta Coachlines
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Wangaratta Coachlines.
Withdrawn Vehicles | Full Fleet List Operator Information |
Bus # | Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating | Livery |
Previously operated vehicles | ||||||||
?? | 0742AO | Toyota Coaster HZB50R | JT743PB5108000407 | Arakawa | - | 1993 | B24C | |
ex (22) 0742AO B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (22) 0742AO, PFC092, FJA351 Hoy's Roadlines, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Cullen's, Wangaratta, Victoria. | ||||||||
?? | 0749AO | Mercedes Benz OH1316 | WDB34520261778301 | PMCSA | 4781 | 4.1989 | C49F | |
ex (42) 0749AO B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (42) 0749AO, PFC046, FXU437 Hoy's Roadlines, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex DWW156 Langdon, Myrtleford, Victoria. Sold to Waikerie Coaches, Waikerie, SA. | ||||||||
?? | 1072AC | Mercedes Benz O404-3 | WDB61823821081282 | Austral Denning "Majestic" | M001010 | 1.1996 | C50FT | |
ex 1072AC Rowville Coaches, Rowville, Victoria; ex (5) mo2529 (NT), ex (5) 1200AO, ex (5) NLO982 AAT-Kings, Spotswood, Victoria. Sold to Vin's Bus Charter, Adelaide, SA. | ||||||||
?? | 1582AC | Mercedes Benz O500RF-3 | WEB63420121000024 | Coach Design | 390 | 2.2005 | C52FT | |
ex 1582AC Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex TV3848 (NSW) Busabout, Wagga Wagga, NSW; ex TV3848 (NSW) Fearnes Investments, Wagga Wagga, NSW. Sold to Alpine Spirit Coaches, Myrtleford, Victoria. | ||||||||
?? | 2047AC | Mercedes Benz OH1316 | WDB34520261767815 | PMCSA | 4757 | 2.1989 | B49F | |
ex 0540AO, ex PFC030, ex DTL279 Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold NPSV, Halls Gap, Victoria. | ||||||||
?? | 2345AC | Austral Tourmaster DC122 | B472 | Austral | 1397 | 12.1987 | C53F | |
ex 2345AC Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (43) 3043AO, (43) NYT662 Dineen Group - Panorama Coaches, Diamond Creek, Victoria; ex (20) BM990 Bacchus Marsh Coaches, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria; ex (155) Deluxe Coachlines, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold NPSV. | ||||||||
?? | 2346AC | Mercedes Benz O303-3 | 047349 | PMCSA "Apollo" | 4604 | 3.1987 | C57F | |
ex 2346AC Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (44) 3044AO C53F, (44) PUB769, ex (44) DCG361 C46FT Dineen Group - Panorama Coaches, Diamond Creek, Victoria; ex (44) DCG361 Australian Rambler, Box Hill, Victoria. Sold to General Bus Fleet, Bayswater, WA. | ||||||||
?? | 2347AC | Toyota Coaster HZB50R | JT743PB5108003892 | Arakawa | - | 1998 | B21C | |
ex 2347AC Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex 0043AC M & C Parry, Rainbow, Victoria; ex Trotter, Warracknabeal, Victoria. Sold to Bogong Outdoor Education Centre, Victoria. | ||||||||
?? | 6600AO | Scania L94UB | YS2L4X20001852424 | Custom Coaches "CB60 HCL" | 05-143 | 5.2006 | C47FW | V/Line |
ex (40) 0640AO; ex 0588SO Parkinson, Beechworth, Victoria. Sold to Dineen Group - Warragul Bus Lines, Warragul, Victoria as 2043AO. | ||||||||
?? | XTY489 | Toyota Hiace Commuter | JT743UHC500002263 | Arakawa | - | 1993 | B12C | |
ex 0746AO; ex (11) 0746AO, ex (11) 0741AO B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (11) 0741AO, OIB893, FGB147 Hoy's Roadlines, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to the Milawa Hotel, Milawa, Victoria. | ||||||||
?? | XUS492 | Toyota Hiace Commuter | JT743UHC704008662 | Arakawa | - | 2003 | B12C | |
ex 0740AO; ex (10) 0740 B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (10) 0740AO Hoy's Roadlines, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to the Barham Hotel. | ||||||||
11 | 0652AO | Toyota Coaster HZB50R | JT743PB5108002026 | Arakawa | - | 10.1995 | B21C | |
ex NOG219. Sold to Dineen Group - Westernport Road Lines, Koo Wee Rup, Victoria. | ||||||||
12 | 0651AO | Austral Denning - GM | 6F9R1JH60SD001024 | Austral Denning "Highlander" | CH01440 | 2.1996 | C49FTL | |
ex NOG000. Sold to Australian Adventure Tours & Charter, Brisbane, QLD. | ||||||||
13 | 0654AO | MCA | 4351 | Motorcoach "Classic II" | TMA445 | 4.1997 | C53F | |
ex OIB555 SOLD to Kangaroo Bus Lines, Morayfield, Qld. | ||||||||
16 | 0653AO | Toyota Hiace Commuter | ? | Arakawa | - | 1999 | B12C | |
ex PAS222. | ||||||||
17 | 0649AO | Scania K124EB | 1834411 | Coach Design | 153 | 6.1999 | C50FT | |
ex PLM666 SOLD to Pegasus Coach Tours, Riverstone, NSW | ||||||||
18 | 0648AO | Scania K94IB | 1835574 | Coach Design | 174 | 11.1999 | C57F | |
ex PRR777 SOLD to Bay Bus & Coach, Hervey Bay, Qld. | ||||||||
19 | 0647AO | Scania K124EB | 1836890 | Coach Design | 199 | 6.2000 | C50FT | |
ex QBR999 SOLD to Sunraysia Bus Lines, Mildura, Vic | ||||||||
20 | 0646AO | Toyota Coaster HZB50R | JTGFB528702000041 | Arakawa | - | 2000 | B21C | |
ex QEF333. SOLD to Sainty's, Tasmania. | ||||||||
21 | 0645AO | Toyota Coaster HZB50R | JTGFB528402000157 | Toyota | - | 2001 | B21C | |
ex QQO111 SOLD to Berwick Bus Lines (Dineen Group), Berwick, Vic. | ||||||||
22 | 7137AO | Scania K124EB | YS4K6X20001838624 | Coach Design | 234 | 5.2001 | C50FT | |
ex 0644AO, ex QUG888. Sold to Greyhound Australia. | ||||||||
23 | 5600AO | MAN 10.155 | 6AB7520533MX00820 | Ansair "Orana" | 3011 | 3.1997 | C27DW | |
ex B29D, ex (23) 0650AO; ex (613) 613DRU (QLD) Brisbane Transport (BCC), Brisbane, QLD. Sold to Karamfiles Builders, Maninjup, WA. | ||||||||
23 | TV 6723 (NSW) | Scania K82SR | YS4KC4X2B01807681 | PMCSA "Executive" | 4498 | 12.1985 | C49F | |
ex (46) 1046AC, ex ODF861 Diamond Coaches, Bundoora, Victoria; ex UNP760 (SA) Philander Ferries, Kangaroo Island, SA. | ||||||||
24 | 0653AO | Toyota HiAce | ? | Toyota | - | 2004 | B12C | |
25 | 5350AO | Mercedes Benz Sprinter 616CDI | WDB9056132R519963 | Mills-Tui "Dash" | PBWCL0154 | 3.2004 | C25C | |
26 | 0651AO | Scania K124EB | YS2K6X20001843804 | Coach Concepts | 001 | 8.2004 | C50FT | V/Line |
27 | 5600AO | Mitsubishi Rosa | ? | Mitsubishi | - | 2005 | C24C | |
28 | 5228AO | Fuso Rosa | JLFBE64DJ0PF00216 | Fuso | - | 4.2008 | C24C | |
ex (39) 5228AO. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
29 | 4078AO | Toyota Hiace Commuter | JTFSX22P806000729 | Arakawa | - | 2005 | B12C | |
34 | 0634AO | Scania K310IB | YS2K4X20001895528 | Higer “A30” | 15ETA0031 | 1.2016 | C57F | |
Sold to Nathalia Coachlines, Nathalia, Victoria. | ||||||||
34 | 0634AO | Scania K93CR | YS4KC4X2B01827599 | Volgren "SC221" | VG827 | 8.1996 | C57F | |
ex (48) 0754AO B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (48) 0754AO, NXX622 Hoy's Roadlines, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Wells Waggons, Smithton, Tasmania. | ||||||||
34 | 6600AO | Hino RB8 | JHFZ032H201000011 | UBC-Chiron | 050035 | 6.2007 | C30F | |
Sold to Bradley's Buses, Gin Gin, QLD. | ||||||||
35 | 0635AO | Scania K93CR | YS4KC4X2B01831852 | Volgren "SC221" | VG1020 | 7.1998 | C57F | |
ex (49) 0755AO B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (49) 0755AO, OVB929 Hoy's Roadlines, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Wells Waggons, Smithton, Tasmania. | ||||||||
37 | 0637AO | Scania K280IB | YS2K4X20001875502 | Higer "A30" | 11Y250013 | 3.2012 | C57F | |
ex (88) 0688AO; ex 048SDV (QLD) Scania demo. Sold to Donric Group - Sunbury Bus Service, Sunbury, Victoria. | ||||||||
38 | 0638AO | Scania K280IB | YS2K4X20001868213 | Higer "A30" | 10Y250001 | 5.2010 | C57F | |
Sold to Wells Waggons, Smithton, Tasmania. | ||||||||
39 | 0639AO | Scania K280IB | YS2K4X20001886134 | Higer "A30" | ? | 7.2014 | C57F | |
Sold to Donric Group - Sunbury Bus Service, Sunbury, Victoria. | ||||||||
41 | 0641AO | Scania K280UB | YS2K4X20001867630 | Irizar "Iria" | 470034 | 6.2010 | C47FW | |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
42 | 0642AO | Scania K440EB | YS2K6X20001883939 | Coach Concepts | 194 | 6.2013 | C56FTL | V/Line |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
42 | 6042AO | Scania K124EB | YS2K6X20001852561 | Coach Concepts | 025 | 2.2006 | C57F | |
ex (31) 6042AO. Sold to Maguire Coaches, Chinchilla, QLD. | ||||||||
42 | 6579AO | Scania K124EB | YS2K6X20001843825 | Coach Design | 326 | 5.2003 | C50DT | V/Line |
ex (108) TV4804, AWC008 Australia Wide Coaches, Mascot, Sydney, NSW. Sold to Greyhound Australia. | ||||||||
44 | 0644AO | Scania K440EB | YS2K6X20001884956 | Coach Concepts | 202 | 9.2013 | C50FTL | V/Line |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
44 | 0644AO | Scania K420EB | YS2K6X20001863655 | Coach Concepts | 102 | 6.2009 | C50FT | V/Line |
ex (43) 0644AO. Sold to Maguire Coaches, Chinchilla, QLD. | ||||||||
45 | 0645AO | Scania K440EB | YS2K6X20001886866 | Coach Concepts | 212 | 3.2014 | C56FTL | V/Line |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
45 | 0645AO | Scania K420EB | YS2K6X20001859017 | Coach Concepts | 73 | 3.2008 | C50FT | V/Line |
ex (37) 0645AO. Sold to Maguire Coaches, Chinchilla, QLD. | ||||||||
46 | 0646AO | Scania K440EB | YS2K6X20001876860 | Coach Concepts | 169 | 6.2012 | C50FTL | V/Line |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
46 | 0646AO | Scania K124EB | YS2K6X20001844378 | Coach Concepts | 018 | 10.2005 | C50FT | V/Line |
ex (30) 0646AO. Sold to Sunshine Tours, Deer Park West, Victoria. | ||||||||
47 | 0647AO | Scania K270IB | YS2K4X20001856992 | Coach Concepts | 58 | 7.2007 | C53FL | |
ex (36) 0647AO. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
48 | 0648AO | Scania K440EB | YS2K6X20001877460 | Coach Concepts | 181 | 11.2012 | C50FTL | V/Line |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
48 | 0648AO | Scania K124EB | YS2K6X20001856209 | Coach Concepts | 51 | 4.2007 | C50FT | V/Line |
ex (35) 0648AO. Sold to Sunshine Coach Tours, Deer Park, Victoria. | ||||||||
49 | 0649AO | Scania K440EB | YS2K6X20001887330 | Coach Concepts | 215 | 4.2014 | C50FTL | V/Line |
49 | 0649AO | Scania K440EB | YS2K6X20001867690 | Coach Concepts | 126 | 6.2010 | C50FT | V/Line |
ex (39) 0639AO. Sold to Sunshine Tours, Deer Park West, Victoria. | ||||||||
49 | 0649AO | Scania K420EB | YS2K6X20001860476 | Coach Concepts | 81 | 7.2008 | C50FT | V/Line |
ex (41) 0649AO. Sold to Maguires Coaches, Chinchilla, QLD. | ||||||||
50 | 0650AO | Scania K320IB | YS2K4X20001897405 | Coach Concepts | 285 | 7.2016 | C48FT | |
ex Scania stock. Sold to Nathalia Coachlines, Nathalia, Victoria. | ||||||||
50 | 0650AO | Scania K420EB | YS2K6X20001864382 | Coach Concepts | 105 | 8.2009 | C50FTL | V/Line |
ex (44) 0650AO. Sold to Maguire Coaches, Chinchilla, QLD. | ||||||||
51 | 0651AO | Scania K440EB | YS2K6X20001873118 | Coach Concepts | 147 | 6.2011 | C50FTL | V/Line |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
52 | 0652AO | Scania L94IB | YS4L4X20001836271 | Volgren "SC221" | VG1436 | 5.2001 | C57F | |
ex (36) 0636AO; ex (50) 0756AO B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (50) 0756AO, ex QSG124 Hoy's Roadliners, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Wells Waggons, Smithton, Tasmania. | ||||||||
53 | 0653AO | Scania K230UB | YS2K4X20001853313 | Volgren "CR228L" | VG2244 | 11.2006 | C37DW | |
ex C34DW, ex (33) 0653AO, ex Scania stock B41DW now converted to carry wheelchairs in the front section, and has coach seats in the rear, for a disabled school contract in Wangaratta. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
54 | 0654AO | Hino RG197K | JHDRG197KXXX40248 | Newnham / Custom Coaches | 92-196 | 11.1992 | B53F | |
ex (32) 0654AO; ex 0541AC, ex EXP247 Shearer, Oxley, Victoria. | ||||||||
57 | 0757AO | Denning - GM | DL1211-895-86 | Denning "Landseer" | 1211 | 1987 | C50FT | |
ex (57) 0757AO B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex unreg. DV Arandale, Glen Innes, NSW; ex 972DJP (QLD) Out & About Tours, Tugan, QLD; ex (12) 972DJP (QLD) Ross Bus & Coach, Toowoomba, QLD; ex (1) CH7169 (TAS.) Tasmanian Redline, Launceston, Tasmania. Sold to Ron Muscat, Mudgee, NSW. | ||||||||
66 | 0766AO | Scania K113TR | YS4KT6X2B01824393 | PMCA "Apollo" | 2500 | 9.1995 | C48FT | |
ex (56) 0766AO B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (2) 1502AC, NHM370 Trotters, Ballarat, Victoria; ex NHM370 Wannon Roadways, Hamilton, Victoria. Sold to Murray Bridge Explorer, Murray Bridge, SA. | ||||||||
69 | 0669AO | Toyota Hiace Commuter | JTFST22P100016544 | Arakawa | - | 3.2013 | B12C | |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
70 | 0670AO | Toyota Hiace Commuter | JTFST22PX00006479 | Arakawa | - | 4.2009 | C11C | |
ex B12C; ex WYZ045 Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
74 | 0674AO | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLFBE649J0BD00419 | Mitsubishi | - | 3.2004 | C24C | |
ex (74) 1404AC; ex 1404AC Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex 0912NC ??? Sold to Highland Con-X-ion Pty, Ltd. | ||||||||
75 | 0675AO | Toyota Coaster HZB50R | JT743PB5108004944 | Arakawa | - | 10.1999 | B21C | |
ex (40) 0640AO; ex (25) 0640AO, ex (25) 0744AO B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (25) 0744AO, ex (25) PLN545 Hoy's Roadlines, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
76 | 0676AO | Toyota Coaster XZB50R | JTGFC528205000248 | Arakawa | - | 6.2008 | B20C | |
ex (76) 6576AO, ex (40) 6576AO. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
77 | 0677AO | Toyota Coaster XZB50R | JTGFP528705500622 | Arakawa | - | 1.2013 | C21C | |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
77 | 4077AO | Toyota Coaster HZB50R | JTGFG528309500349 | Arakawa | - | 3.2005 | B21C | |
ex (28) 4077AO. Sold to Bogong Outdoor Education Centre, Victoria. | ||||||||
78 | 0678AO | Toyota Coaster XZB50R | JTGFP528705500717 | Arakawa | - | 7.2013 | C21C | |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
78 | 4078AO | Toyota Hiace Commuter | JTFST22P500003375 | Arakawa | - | 5.2008 | B12C | |
ex (38) 4078AO. Sold NPSV. | ||||||||
79 | 0679AO | Hino RB8 | JHFZU32HX00001114 | UBC-Chiron | 080150AA | 6.2008 | C34F | |
ex 2349AC Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex 1313SO Dillons Bus Lines, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Jackson Zhang, Melbourne, Victoria. | ||||||||
80 | 2580AC | Denning Landseer | DL1150-834-86 | Denning | 1150 | 5.1986 | C57F | |
ex 2580AC, ex 0759AO Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (61) 0759AO C48FT B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (61) 0759AO, ex (61) CUX979 Hoy's Roadlines, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex (76) CUX979 Dysons Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. Sold to Smith's, South Riana, Tasmania. | ||||||||
82 | 0682AO | Scania K320IB | YS2K4X20001878010 | Higer "A30" | 12Y2D0020 | 2.2013 | C57F | |
ex (32) 0632AO. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
83 | 0683AO | Scania K320IB | YS2K4X20001877729 | Higer "A30" | 11Y2A0010 | 8.2012 | C57F | |
ex (31) 0631AO. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
85 | 0685AO | Mercedes Benz O404-3 | WDB61823821080942 | Coach Design | 063 | 4.1996 | C48FT | |
ex (61) 0761AC; ex 0761AC Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex 0761AC Rowville Coaches, Rowville, Victoria; ex (27) TC3327 (WA) C44FT Pinnacle Tours, Myaree, WA. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
87 | 0687AO | Scania K270IB | YS2K4X20001862382 | Volgren "SC222" | VG2754 | 3.2009 | C57F | |
ex (37) 0637AO; ex (51) 7371AO B/Line, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
87 | 0687AO | Mercedes Benz OH1418 | WDB38200461059763 | Austral Denning "Starliner" | S002060 | 6.1996 | B57F | |
ex (98) 0698AO; ex 2048AC, ex 0539AO, ex NXX684 Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Taylor's, Hillwood, Tasmania. | ||||||||
89 | 0689AO | Scania K320IB | YS2K4X20001877413 | Higer "A30" | 11Y2A0009 | 5.2012 | C57F | |
ex (39) 0639AO. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
89 | TV 6996 (NSW) | Denning Landseer | 6F9LSBF30KA001001 | Denning | 1324 | 3.1989 | C50FT | |
ex (89) 0689AO; ex 1039AC Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria; ex TV544 (NSW) C46FT Keane, Scone, NSW. Sold to Avid Travel Pty Ltd, Werrington, NSW. | ||||||||
90 | 0690AO | Scania K310IB | YS2K4X20001863969 | Coach Concepts | 121 | 4.2010 | C57F | |
ex (40) 0640AO; ex Scania stock. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
92 | 0692AO | Scania K270IB | YS2K4X20001860104 | Irizar "Century 3500" | 261438 | 5.2008 | C57F | |
ex 1038AC Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
93 | 0693AO | Scania K94IB | 9BSK4X20003580881 | NCBC "Protege" | 460 | 8.2007 | C57F | |
ex 1181AC Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
94 | 0694AO | Scania K94IB | YS2K4X20001848410 | NCBC "Protege" | 383 | 3.2005 | C57F | |
ex 2052AC, ex 5598AO Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
95 | 0695AO | Mercedes Benz OH1621 | 9BM3820691B263086 | Express | 199 | 1.2002 | C57F | |
ex B57F; ex 2050AC, ex 2146AO Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
96 | 0696AO | Mercedes Benz OH1621 | 9BM3820691B275666 | Express | 237 | 10.2002 | C57F | |
ex 2051AC, ex 0148AO Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
97 | 0697AO | Mercedes Benz OH1418 | WDB38200461103059 | Austral Pacific "Starliner" | 2786 | 1.1998 | C57F | |
ex B57F; ex 2049AC, ex 0538AO, ex OOZ275 Newtons Bus Service, Wangaratta, Victoria. Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
98 | 0698AO | Scania K320IB | YS2K4X20001877958 | Higer "A30" | 12Y2A0005 | 1.2013 | C57F | |
Sold to Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||||
No of withdrawn buses listed = 86 |
© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact Gen Man