Montrose Bus & Coach, Montrose
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Montrose Bus & Coach, Montrose.
Fleet List | Disposal List |
Bus # | Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
1 | BS03HS | Mercedes Benz OH1725 | 9BM3821852B292287 | Custom Coaches “SB40” | 02-073 | 5.2002 | B57F |
ex (710) 7010AO Christian's Bus Company, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria; ex (10) 7010AO Donric Group - Bacchus Marsh Coaches, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria; ex 447IBH (QLD) Coolum Coaches, Yandina, QLD. | |||||||
3 | BS07NX | Mercedes Benz O500RF-3 | WEB63420121000081 | Coach Design | 460 | 6.2006 | C48FTL |
ex (3) XQ58WV; ex (78) 7895MO (NSW) (Trainlink livery), ex (78) 3403AO (BusBiz livery), ex (78) 3403AO (V/Line livery) BusBiz, Swan Hill, Victoria. | |||||||
4 | BS07QD | Mercedes Benz O405NH | WEB61241821097707 | Volgren “CR221L” | VG1398 | 1.2001 | B43DW |
ex XS04DO Kanga Coachlines, Mawson Lakes, SA; ex (N11) 3486AO CDC Mildura, Mildura, Victoria; ex PTV livery, ex Benders livery, ex (87) 3486AO CDC Geelong, Geelong, Victoria; ex (87) 3486AO, ex (87) QSG087 Kefford Corporation - Benders Busways, Geelong, Victoria. | |||||||
6 | 0146AO | Metrotec Delta 17.250 | 6F2BARB00YDG00371 | Custom Coaches “CB60” | 00-35 | 11.2000 | B47FW |
ex 0146AO McGinty Group, Hamilton, Victoria; ex 0146AO, ex QLS324 Horsham Bus Lines, Horsham, Victoria. | |||||||
Total buses in fleet = 4 |
© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact Gen Man