Mahony's Busline, Ballarat
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Mahony's Busline, Ballarat.
Fleet List | Operator Information Disposal List |
Bus # | Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
1163AC | Fuso Rosa | JLFBE649J0BE00213 | Fuso | - | 1.2007 | C24C | |
9285AO | Higer Ryder | LKLR1DSB9CA583022 | Higer | ? | 1.2013 | C33F | |
BS00MN | King Long | LA6R1FSE9FB100861 | King Long "6102AU" | HVAB13-082 | 6.2015 | C45F | |
BS03KE | Volvo B7R | YV3R6R620GA179665 | Volgren Malaysia "Endura" | VM0386 | 9.2017 | C57F | |
ex CMV Volvo stock. | |||||||
BS03VE | Volvo B7R | YV3R6R624JA187291 | Volgren Malaysia "Endura" | VM0420 | 12.2017 | C57F | |
ex CMV Volvo stock. | |||||||
BS03ZW | King Long | LA6A1FAH9JB109075 | King Long "6102AY" | HVAB18-015 | 6.2018 | C41F | |
Total buses in fleet = 6 |
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