Ballarat Bus & Coach/Alpine Tours Victoria, Ballarat
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Ballarat Bus & Coach/Alpine Tours Victoria, Ballarat.
Fleet List | Operator Information Disposal List |
Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
7770AO | Mercedes Benz O500RF-3 13.5m | WEB63420121000098 | Coach Design | 532 | 8.2007 | C48FTL |
ex (396) 6058AO, ex TrainLink livery, ex V/Line livery, ex (396) XOM181 (SA) Dyson's Bus Service, Bundoora, Victoria. | ||||||
8750AO | Mercedes Benz O303-3 | WDB60041561058006 | Denning “Majestic” | F205 | 6.1990 | C48FT |
ex 0578AO, ex EBJ095 Quinces Scenicruisers, Oakleigh, Victoria. | ||||||
BS00GA | Mercedes Benz O500RF-3 | WEB63420121000004 | Mills-Tui “Majestic” | PCDOD0162 | 9.2004 | C50FT |
ex SB54LU (SA) Hanleys Passenger Service, Gladstone, SA; ex D04 301 Australian Defence Force, Canberra, ACT. | ||||||
Total buses in fleet = 3 |
© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact Gen Man