Comi's Bus Service, Nagambie
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Comi's Bus Service, Nagambie.
Fleet List | Operator Information Disposal List |
Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
0562AC | Metrotec Delta 16.215 | 6F2BACR001DH00244 | Express | 179 | 9.2001 | C49F |
ex QSG166. | ||||||
1434AC | Fuso Rosa | JLFBE64DJ0PF01302 | Fuso | - | 12.2009 | C24C |
BS06ZL | BCI FBC6127CRZ1 "Cruiser 12" | 6KT2CC114KX001420 | BCI | - | 3.2021 | C57F |
Total buses in fleet = 3 |
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