Ventura Group - PTV/V/Line Livery
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Ventura Group.
Livery List | Full Fleet List Operator Information Fleet Summary To Be Delivered Disposal List |
Bus # | Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating | Depot |
1559 | BS07OV | Scania K410CB | YS2K6X20001922256 | Coach Design | 11?? | 10.2022 | C58FTL | Dandenong |
1560 | BS07QC | Scania K410CB | YS2K6X20001922260 | Coach Design | 11?? | 10.2022 | C58FTL | Dandenong |
Total buses in fleet = 2 |
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