R. Johnson, Oatlands

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by R. Johnson, Oatlands.

Fleet List

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeating
D 67 UL Mercedes Benz OH1418WDB38200461102802 Austral Pacific "Starliner" 2775 10.1997B57F
ex (86) mo2115 (NT), Buslink, Berrimah, NT; ex (91) mo2115 (NT); ex (32) mo2115 (NT) Shuker, Humpty Doo, NT.
FJ 9930 Austral DC1221416 Austral "Tourmaster" B481 2/88C53F
ex (16) MWA244, Sid Fogg & Sons, Fullerton Cove, NSW; ex MO 2128, M Williams t/a Transborder, Yass, NSW; ex MO 2128, Port Stephens Coaches Pty Ltd, Anna Bay, NSW; ex MO 2128, Palmer's Leisure Tours (AR & JP Palmer), Wyong, NSW; ex MO 2128, Road Runner Tours, Wyong, NSW.
XT 89 AB Higer T-Series 12mLKLR1KSJ6DB626805 RoadBoss 01/2014B57F
Total buses in fleet = 3

© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact Adam Bernet