Creed - Brighton
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Creed - Brighton.
Fleet List |
Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
EG 3235 | Hino BG300 | 40023 | Custom Coaches | 84-64 | 05/1984 | RC49F |
ex MO 9885, Goode's Coaches, Tumut, NSW. | ||||||
Total buses in fleet = 1 | ||||||
Previously operated vehicles | ||||||
C 96 DH | Mercedes Benz OH1418 | WDB38200461973657 | PMCA "XL" | 2484 | 04/1995 | B49F |
SOLD with school run to Calows Coaches, TAS ex 0730 SO, NHM 310, J.C., M.L., M.A. & M.C. Summers, Girgarre, VIC. | ||||||
No of withdrawn buses listed = 1 |
© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact Adam Bernet