Hanleys Passenger Service, Gladstone
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Hanleys Passenger Service, Gladstone.
Fleet List | Operator Information Disposal List |
Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
SB 01 GD | Daewoo BH117L | KL5UR61NECU000537 | Chiron/UBC 'CS120' | 120486AB | 11/2012 | C57F |
SB 02 GD | Daewoo BH117L | KL5UR61NECU000536 | Chiron/UBC 'CS120' | 120485AB | 11/2012 | C57F |
SB 28 HK | King Long | King Long '6102AU' | - | |||
SB 46 HK | BCI | K071 | BCI 'PK6127AT' | |||
SB 55 GW | Scania L94IB | YS4K4X20001841122 | Coach Design | 286 | 6/2002 | C48FT |
ex SB 55 GW Victor Tours, Victor Harbour, S.A.-ex (80) 225 GQN Tropic Wings, Cairns, Qld. | ||||||
SB 65 AI | Toyota Coaster XZB50R | 0758 | Arakawa | - | ||
SB 65 MP | Fuso Rosa Deluxe | JLFBE64DJ0RK30680 | MMC | - | 4/2017 | C24C |
ex SB 65 MP Kanga Coachlines, Mawson Lakes, S.A. | ||||||
WAY 830 | Toyota Coaster HZB50R | 3508 | Arakawa | - | B21C | |
ex Adelaide Bus Commuters, S.A. | ||||||
XS 36BU | Scania K360IB | 3984 | Irizar | 2019 | ||
ex XS 36BU Explorer Coachlines, Mile End, S.A. | ||||||
Total buses in fleet = 9 |
© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact Dave C