Westside Christian College - Goodna

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Westside Christian College - Goodna.

Fleet List   Operator Information

Bus # Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeating
4184 HOF Mercedes Benz 616 CDIWDB9056132R534074 Alan B. Denning "Sprinter" 61047 23/02/2004C27F
21911 LKK MAN 18.280WMAA91ZZ18C012236 King Long "6126AU" KLAB08-054 01/2009C57F
ex Stock.
25602 JLT MAN 18.280WMAA91ZZ35T007096 NCBC "Protege" 417 05/2006C57F
26624 IJI MAN 18.280WMAA91ZZ96T007878 NCBC "Protege" 448 04/2007C57F
119 THH BCI FBC6960BFZ16KT2BB11XCX000254 BCI - 2013C43F
375 KYE Mitsubishi RosaJLFBE64DJ0PF00111 Mitsubishi - 2008B24C
420 LJA BCI JXK6930ATLGG5SKCM68H006007 BCI - 2009B43F
663 TXZ BCI FBC6960BFZ16KT2BB117CX000390 BCI - 2013C43F
939 JIE Ford TransitWF0EXXTTFE5A53459 Ford - 2005C8C
XQ 48SQ BCI JXK6960LGG5SKCM69H006042 BCI "Classmaster" - 11/2009B45F
ex 271 MQZ, J.J. & K.A. Barton, Gympie, QLD, -/22, ex 271 MQZ, Aljamata Pty Ltd, Gympie, QLD by 6/13.
Total buses in fleet = 10
Previously operated vehicles
2962 HKR Mercedes Benz 814DWDB6703132N034943 Alan B. Denning "Vario" 82180 24/10/1997B35FW
ex BUS 972, Premier Motor Service, Figtree, NSW, ex (3972) m/o 3972, State Transit Authority, Sydney, NSW.
Sold to Coastal Liner, Warnervale, NSW for parts.
3266 EZY Mercedes Benz LO8149BM688176TB085195 Alan B. Denning "Vario" 82107 26/08/1996B33F
ex UKX 291, Bankstown Grammar School, Georges Hall, NSW.
5321 HZK Mercedes Benz 814DWDB6703132N036019 Alan B. Denning "Vario" 82188 28/11/1997B29F
ex XLA 940, JAG Transport, Windsor, NSW, ex (3977) m/o 3977, State Transit Authority, Sydney, NSW.
De-reg by -/14.
6405 IKP Mercedes Benz 815DWDB6703742N072879 Alan B. Denning "Vario" 82251 31/03/1999C35F
ex 501 EYL, I. Johnstone, Calen, QLD.
Sold to Moore's Tours, Hurstville, NSW as TV 9121, 2/17.
19389 FAC MAN 16.2404790055 Custom Coaches 87-32 01/06/1987B57F
ex MO 4733, King Bros Group, Kempsey, NSW, ex MO 4733, Grafton-Yamba Bus Service, Grafton, NSW.
Sold for a motorhome, QLD as 357 TVZ by 7/12.
22911 PWO MCA - CAT 3208T28758 Denning "Majestic" F149 05/1987C49F
ex (3) 911 PWO, Moranbah Bus Service, Moranbah, QLD.
Sold to D.C. Hampson, Rockhampton, QLD as 911 PWO, then to Rod North & Sons Coaches, Rockhampton, QLD as (DN57).
24241 HUF Asia Sprinter 927 RE6B9PW2Z1CL2GF0004 Nambucca 131 03/1992RB53F
ex 858 GKT, Unknown Operator, QLD, ex MO 1255, Sawtell Coaches, Sawtell, NSW.
Sold for a motorhome, QLD as 820 XMM, 9/17.
300 BQG Toyota Coaster HZB30RJT743PB3009001010 Toyota - 1992B21C
Sold for a motorhome, QLD as 935 TKT by -/13.
390 FAC MCA - CAT 3208T58770 Melba 11/1987C45F
ex (3) DFM 430, Mee's Bus Lines, West Heidelberg, VIC.
393 RZQ BCI PK6127AT6KT2CB118AX000022 BCI - 2011C57F
Sold to D.E. Richardson t/a Proston Country Bus Service, Proston, QLD as 393 RZQ by -/23.
No of withdrawn buses listed = 10

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