Spierenburg Pty Ltd - Thallon

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Spierenburg Pty Ltd - Thallon.

Fleet List   Operator Information

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeating
528 XHL Isuzu FRR500JALFRR907G7000041 Quality Bus & Coach - 2016B34F
First reg 25/5/17, ex Stock.
534 RUF Toyota Coaster XZB50RJTGFC528105000032 Toyota - 2006B21C
ex 534 RUF, E.R. Montgomery, Thallon, QLD, -/17.
Total buses in fleet = 2
Previously operated vehicles
203 KNI Mercedes Benz LO8149BM688176TB103384 Alan B. Denning "Vario" 82153 04/1998C33F
ex 203 KNI, E.R. Montgomery, Thallon, QLD, -/17, ex 203 KNI, Glasshouse Christian College, Beerwah, QLD, via Barrie Watt (dlr) 12/5/09, ex (SC-34) 743 DTV, TP Oceania, Ernest, QLD, -/07.
Replaced by 528 XHL, -/17.
No of withdrawn buses listed = 1

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