Rawlinson - Jandowae

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Rawlinson - Jandowae.

Fleet List   Operator Information

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeating
715 VVF Yutong ZK6930HLZYTCTD6XF1009624 Yutong - 05/2015C39F
First reg 14/9/15.
Total buses in fleet = 1
Previously operated vehicles
389 FCP Toyota Coaster HZB30RJT743PB5108004685 Toyota - 06/1999B21C
Sold for a motorhome, Laidley Heights, QLD as 965 WGV -/16.
No of withdrawn buses listed = 1

© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact QLD Moderator