Oz-Way Tours - Merrimac

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Oz-Way Tours - Merrimac.

Fleet List

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeating
145 TWD Mercedes Benz O500RFWEB63415021000023 Autobus 342 12/2002C53F
ex TV 3418, Hills Coaches, Carlingford, NSW, -/14, ex TV 3418, Peter Pan Coach Tours, Greenacre, NSW.
842 VVF Yutong ZK6930HLZYTCTD64F1009828 Yutong - 03/2015C39F
First reg 26/8/15.
993 VCF Toyota Coaster XZB50RJTGFC528205000296 Toyota - 2009C21C
Total buses in fleet = 3
Previously operated vehicles
126 HJV Mercedes Benz 616CDIWDB9056132R498208 Alan B. Denning "Sprinter" 61038 28/10/2003C21FV
ex 126 HJV, Highcorp Tours, Southport, QLD by 9/12, ex (MB-31) 126 HJV, TP Oceania, Ernest, QLD.
Sold to an unknown operator, Nerang, QLD as 126 HJV by 2/20.
801 SID MAN 12.1906AB7520275MX00460 PMCA "Apollo" 2634 06/1995C34FT
ex (834) 801 SID, TV 5949, 834 DDK, VSG 125, Murrays Coaches, Southport, QLD by -/15.
De-reg by 9/16.
No of withdrawn buses listed = 2

© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact QLD Moderator