Norman - Giru

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Norman - Giru.

Fleet List   Operator Information

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeating
618 LXQ BCI JXK6830LSFC030839C005234 BCI - 04/2009B33F
First reg 15/9/09.
Total buses in fleet = 1
Previously operated vehicles
355 GBC Mitsubishi Select MK116JMK116J70790 Mitsubishi 10/1985B28F
Replaced by 991 LLW, -/09 & sold for a motorhome, QLD as 355 GBC.
821 FSN Mitsubishi Select7A9BM17MCY2021003 Mitsubishi 06/1991C37F
Replaced by 618 LXQ, -/09 & sold for a motorhome, QLD.
991 LLW BCI JXK6830LSFC030898C005253 BCI - 01/2009B33F
Sold to Trans North Bus & Coach, Ayr, QLD as 991 LLW, -/19.
No of withdrawn buses listed = 3

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