Mahoney - Roma
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Mahoney - Roma.
Fleet List | Operator Information |
Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
290 JSP | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLFBE649J0BD01513 | Mitsubishi | - | 11/2006 | B24C |
Total buses in fleet = 1 | ||||||
Previously operated vehicles | ||||||
552 FNK | Toyota Coaster HZB30R | JT743HB3009000476 | Toyota | - | 01/1990 | B22C |
ex 552 FNK, unknown operator, Roma, QLD. Replaced by 290 JSP, -/06. | ||||||
No of withdrawn buses listed = 1 |
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