Kerry's Bus Service - Mount Garnet
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Kerry's Bus Service - Mount Garnet.
Fleet List | Operator Information |
Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
496 XXP | Fuso Rosa | JLFBE64DJ0RK30828 | Fuso | - | 12/2017 | B24C |
First reg 11/4/18. | ||||||
Total buses in fleet = 1 | ||||||
Previously operated vehicles | ||||||
122 KZR | Leyland FB45.160 | SBLAE45CE0L145821 | Express | 037 | 05/1998 | B47F |
ex MO 9412, Lakes Coaches, Barham, NSW, ex MO 9412, P.J. & M.B. Laughlin, Barham, NSW. Replaced by 496 XXP, -/18 & sold to Tolga, QLD as 122 KZR. | ||||||
939 IZS | Bedford BLP2 | BLP2DJJ 656963 | Smithfield | SB839 | 10/1979 | B52F |
ex 693 CCW, ex 693 CCW, 559 NSM, Taylor, Mount Garnet, QLD, ex 559 NSM, P. Windhouse, Mareeba, QLD. | ||||||
No of withdrawn buses listed = 2 |
© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact QLD Moderator