Emerson Bus Company - Malanda

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Emerson Bus Company - Malanda.

Fleet List   Operator Information

Bus # Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeating
13786 HMG Mercedes Benz OH17259BM3821863B337593 Mills-Tui "Orbit" PBDCA0120 01/2004C59F
19643 LGT MAN 18.3706ABA550356MX01039 Coach Design 190 03/2000C53F
ex TV 3165, Ausko Tours, Mascot, NSW (C50FT).
21012 DRJ Mercedes Benz 814DWDB6703132N044987 Alan B. Denning "Vario" 82131 06/12/1996B28F
ex (12) 012 DRJ, Hornibrook Bus Lines, Lawnton, QLD.
22875 RIT Hyundai Cosmos Aero CityKMJNN18KPAC900161 Chiron/UBC "CS100" 090268AF 12/2010B45F
23876 RIT Hyundai Cosmos Aero CityKMJNN18KPAC900163 Chiron/UBC "CS100" 090269AF 11/2010B45F
24862 RIT MAN 18.280WMAA91ZZ9AC014712 Coach Design 711 12/2010B61F
25568 RPT MAN 18.290WMAA91ZZ7BC015942 Coach Design 722 06/2011B61F
26378 KSP MAN 18.290WMAA72ZZZ3T004384 Mills-Tui "Orbit" PBMAN0357 04/2006B61F
ex 378 KSP, N.J. & M.E. Kelso, Upper Barron, QLD, ex Stock.
27172 TJK Mercedes Benz 815DWDB6703742N111109 Custom Coaches "CB20" 03-039 03/2004B29FW
ex (2553) 467 HRE, Sunbus, Marcoola, QLD - was loaned to Surfside Bus Lines, Ernest, QLD as (204) 467 HRE for 'Your Bus' services.
28676 THA Mercedes Benz 815DWDB6703742N115500 Custom Coaches "CB20" 05-079 07/2005B29FW
ex (2557) 948 ITW, Sunbus, Caloundra, QLD - was loaned to Surfside Bus Lines, Ernest, QLD as (208) 948 ITW for 'Your Bus' services.
221 XDR MAN 19.400WMARR2ZZXEC019786 Irizar "i6" 252-574 01/2017C49FT
First reg 29/3/17, ex Stock.
619 LXQ BCI JXK6127BRILSFC130819C005228 BCI "Classmaster" - 07/2009B57F
ex 619 LXQ, Atherton Bus Service, Atherton, QLD by -/16.
656 WJT MAN 19.290WMARR8ZZ6GC021248 Coach Design 893 05/2016C61F
Total buses in fleet = 13
Previously operated vehicles
2NTA 815 Bedford J3LZ2184707-B Athol Hedges - 1964
ex NTA 815, R. Bloomfield, Malanda, QLD.
Sold to R. Zimmermann, Malanda, QLD.
7989 GNF Bedford SB5NJM2BZ624076 PMCSA 6325 04/1978SB66F
ex 768 AMV, ex (912), Education Department of South Australia (EDSA), Adelaide, SA.
8774 GBH Leyland Terrier509606 Stewart & Sons - 1978B43F
ex 562 BXR, ex 562 BXR, 866 NFX, H. Irvine, Malanda, QLD.
9623 DUT Albion Viking VK43L53417L Denning 165 09/1967C45F
ex 623 DUT, P. Eckersley, Atherton, QLD, ex (27) PIW 846, Sunnybank Bus Service, Acacia Ridge, QLD.
10865 DEE Isuzu SCR420B3416549
MBS B288 07/1982B41F
ex 418 OSE, E.J. & B.A. Bruton, Augathella, QLD.
Sold for NPSV, QLD as 370 SGT, -/12.
11253 FKU Isuzu ECR570AJ8800111 Custom Coaches 84-303 05/12/1984RB53F
ex MO 0503, Murray, Murwillumbah, NSW (RC49F), ex MO 0503, Katoomba Woodford Bus Service, Katoomba, NSW, ex MO 0503, Auburn Bus Service, Silverwater, NSW.
14996 DXX Mercedes Benz OH131634520261721555 Custom Coaches 87-104 27/08/1987RB57F
ex 996 DXX, E. & J.E. Comino, Atherton, QLD, ex (7) MO 0986, Ogden's Coaches, Wellington, NSW, ex MO 0986, Lewis, Wellington, NSW.
15097 FWX Isuzu LT1-11TJALYB12N4G2508416 P&D Coachworks 014 05/1993B57F
ex 097 FWX, E. & J.E. Comino, Atherton, QLD, ex (9) MO 2495, Joyce's Bus Service, Urunga, NSW.
De-reg by 2/19.
16359 DII Leyland Terrier556630 Alnor 002 08/04/1984B43F
ex 359 DII, J.M.A. & S.E. Tallon, Atherton, QLD, ex 359 DII, T.J. & L.J. Piper, Atherton, QLD, ex 359 DII, J.A. & S.O. Cook, Atherton, QLD, ex MO 9881, Arandale's Bus Service, Glen Innes, NSW, ex MO 9881, J. Owens, Gilgandra, NSW, ex MO 9881, M.E. & U.A. Gaff, Gilgandra, NSW.
17829 HSA Mitsubishi FK366F6K4A22DMA030186 Nambucca 157 12/1991B36F
ex 829 HSA, J.M.A. & S.E. Tallon, Atherton, QLD, ex MO 1634, M.W. & J.A. Roy, Narrabri, NSW, ex MO 1634, D. Whiting, Narrabri, NSW.
Sold for a motorhome, QLD as 829 HSA.
18059 LVC Isuzu FSR500JALFSR12LK3600384 MBS "Citiliner" B353 10/1989B43F
ex MO 9112, Eyears Bus Service, Casino, NSW, ex (301) MO 9112, King Bros Group, Kempsey, NSW, ex MO 9112, Great Lakes Coaches, Heatherbrae, NSW, ex BHP Steelworks, Port Kembla, NSW.
De-reg by 2/19.
No of withdrawn buses listed = 11

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