Caust - Eumundi

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Caust - Eumundi.

Fleet List   Operator Information

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeating
XQ 73KW BCI FBC6104BRZI6KT2BB112KX001400 BCI "Cruiser 10" - 02/2020C47F
First reg 18/2/20.
Total buses in fleet = 1
Previously operated vehicles
394 GOP Mercedes Benz OH131634520261681214 PMCSA 4529 06/1986B47D
ex (104) mo 220, Buslink, Darwin, NT, ex (DM2) mo 220, Matilda Tours, Darwin, NT.
Sold to Noosa Valley Buslines, Eumundi, QLD for motorhome conversion.
490 MYM Hino RB8JHFZU32H00K001109 Chiron/UBC 090312AA 06/2010C34F
Sold to Coolum Beach Christian College, Coolum Beach, QLD as XQ 43MA, -/20.
No of withdrawn buses listed = 2

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