Chapman - Kumbia

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Chapman - Kumbia.

Fleet List   Operator Information

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeating
767 RDR Hino RB8JHFZU32HX0K001134 Chiron/UBC "RB8" 090325AA 09/2010B34F
Total buses in fleet = 1
Previously operated vehicles
020 FTE Hino AC140KJHDAC140KXXX40469 Hino 08/1989B28F
ex 020 FTE, A.J. & P.E. Maher, Bungunya, QLD.
602 SBU Mitsubishi RosaJMFBE649J0BC00067 Mitsubishi - 2002B24C
Sold for a motorhome, QLD as 652 HN2 by -/23.
No of withdrawn buses listed = 2

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