Barnes - Tully
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Barnes - Tully.
Fleet List | Operator Information |
Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
530 KHQ | MAN 18.280 | WMAA91ZZ75T007232 | Custom Coaches "SB400" | 05-139 | 2006 | B57F |
ex Stock. | ||||||
Total buses in fleet = 1 | ||||||
Previously operated vehicles | ||||||
219 CRT | Volvo B59 | 1374 | PMCSA | 5055 | 10/1977 | B46D |
ex 219 CRT, Trans North Bus & Coach, Mission Beach, QLD, ex 219 CRT, Mission Beach Bus Service, Mission Beach, QLD, ex 219 CRT, El Arish Buses, El Arish, QLD, ex (1055) STA 055, State Transport Authority, Adelaide, SA. | ||||||
357 DCS | Mercedes Benz OH1418 | WDB38200461029983 | Superior | B589 | 06/1995 | B57F |
ex 357 DCS, G.W. & D.L. Zischke, Hatton Vale, QLD. | ||||||
No of withdrawn buses listed = 2 |
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