Barton - Gympie
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Barton - Gympie.
Operator Information | Full Fleet List |
Accreditation: | J.J. & K.A. Barton (Q100401) |
Depot Address/s: | 148 Old Goomboorian Road, Gympie |
School Runs: | (S31) Coondoo to Gympie State High School (P49) Bells Bridge/Curra to Chatsworth State School (P260) Wilsons Pocket to Gympie East State School (S512) Deep Creek Road to Gympie State High School (P853) Carmyle to Chatsworth State School (P908) Neusavale to Gympie East State School (P1363) Enterprise to Gympie West State School (P1628) Gympie East to Gympie East State School (P1905) Curra West to Chatsworth State School (P1942) Curra to Chatsworth State School |
Acquired run (P853) Carmyle to Chatsworth State School from A. & S. Ferris, Gympie circa 2006, with vehicle 017 BUS.
Acquired run (P908) Neusavale to Gympie East State School from W.J. & E. McIntyre, Gympie circa 2008, with vehicle 911 DUX.
Acquired runs (P1363) Enterprise to Gympie West State School and (P1793) Veteran to Gympie West State School (since amalgamated with P1363) from A.J. Stower, Veteran during 2011.
Acquired the (S31) Coondoo to Gympie State High School run from M.H. Millard, Gympie during January 2012.
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