WY Holidays Ltd - Orakei
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by WY Holidays Ltd - Orakei.
Fleet List | Disposal List |
Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating | Livery |
HCT128 | Sunlong SLK6750 | LJ166R5E9D2002658 | Sunlong | 2013 | C27F | White | |
For sale. | |||||||
HER99 | Sunlong SLK6872 | LJM1ECGD0CA500518 | Sunlong | 2012 | C28F | White | |
For sale. | |||||||
HUE66 | Toyota Coaster | 7AT0H60DX14051245 | Toyota | 2008 | B21F | White | |
JRJ117 | Higer KLQ6759AR Munro | LKLS1CS82CA576168 | Higer | 2016 | C27F | Blue | |
Total buses in fleet = 4 |
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