Waiheke Executive Transport Ltd - Waiheke Island

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Waiheke Executive Transport Ltd - Waiheke Island.

Fleet List   Disposal List

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeatingLivery
ECE50 Mitsubishi Fuso7A8CJ1D0907020168 Mitsubishi 1991B36FWaiheke Exec
FET416 Mitsubishi Fuso7A8CJ1D0907024084 Mitsubishi 1996B47FWhite/red
HRM334 Hino Melpha7AT0844EX14000198 Hino 2008B28FWild Estate
HTW115 Nissan Civilian7AT0DH07X14037089 Nissan 2008B18FBatch Winery
JWM352 Toyota Coaster7AT0H60DX16055017 Toyota 2010B21FWaiheke Exec
LLY323 Zhong Tong LCK6906HLDY6KS8D4J0003384 Zhong Tong 2018C36FWaiheke Exec
LUL865 Hino Liesse7AT0842KX18012078 Hino 2018B22FSilver
MHP143 Mitsubishi Rosa7AT0CJ06X19210973 Mitsubishi 2016B22FWaiheke Exec
Total buses in fleet = 8

© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact BusPlaneTrainTram