Arfur Daley Ltd (Valley Coachlines) - Balclutha

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Arfur Daley Ltd (Valley Coachlines) - Balclutha.

Fleet List   Disposal List

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeatingLivery
CJW969 Mitsubishi Fuso7A8CJ1D0904020125 Mitsubishi 1991B36FWhite
DER662 Mitsubishi Rosa7A8CJ060906040813 Mitsubishi 1996B19FWhite
DHT123 Toyota Hiace7A8H60F0806008175 Toyota 1996B12FWhite
Clutha Rentals.
ELZ252 Mitsubishi RosaJLABE64DJ0PF00176 Mitsubishi 2008B19FWhite
EQG457 Toyota HiaceJTFPT22P400003597 Toyota 2008B12FWhite
Clutha Rentals.
Total buses in fleet = 5

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