Stray Travel Ltd - Penrose

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Stray Travel Ltd - Penrose.

Fleet List   Disposal List

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeatingLivery
Some vehicles previously operated by Ritchies Transport Holdings Ltd, NZ.
LNZ768 Mitsubishi Rosa7AT0CJ06X18210795 Mitsubishi 2018B22FWhite
PLF744 Mitsubishi Rosa7AT0CJ06X18210747 Mitsubishi 2017B22FWhite
ex LHP972; ex Japan.
PLR107 Mitsubishi RosaJLABE64DJ0RH10351 Mitsubishi 2013B24FWhite
ex HDF937.
QNB237 Bonluck President 10LA9C29RWXJBJXK408 Bonluck 2018C41FStray Orange
ex Australia.
QNB238 Bonluck President 10LA9C29RW8JBJXK407 Bonluck 2018C41FStray Orange
ex Australia.
QNG158 Bonluck President 10LA9C29RW1JBJXK409 Bonluck 2018C41FWhite
ex Australia.
Named "Alfie".
QWE758 Yutong ZK6772D (D7)LZYTETC20R1024839 Yutong 2024C20FWhite
QWE759 Yutong ZK6772D (D7)LZYTETC27R1024837 Yutong 2024C20FWhite
QWE760 Yutong ZK6772D (D7)LZYTETC28R1024832 Yutong 2024C20FWhite
Named "Picnic".
QYJ945 Yutong ZK6772D (D7)LZYTETC25R1024836 Yutong 2024C20FWhite
Named "Shorty".
QYJ946 Yutong ZK6772D (D7)LZYTETC23R1024835 Yutong 2024C20FWhite
Total buses in fleet = 11

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