Snowman Shuttles Ltd - Christchurch

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Snowman Shuttles Ltd - Christchurch.

Fleet List   Disposal List

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeatingLivery
AYP280 Mitsubishi Rosa7A8CJ060902010022 Mitsubishi 1990B21FRed
ex Japan.
CBJ657 Toyota Hiace7A8H60F0904000670 Toyota 1995B9FBrown
ex Japan.
CEZ102 Toyota Hiace7A8H60F0904000943 Toyota 1996B9FWhite
ex Japan.
DJM607 Toyota Coaster7A8H60D0906002108 Toyota 1994B18FGrey
ex Japan.
DQQ755 Mitsubishi RosaJLABE649J0PE00110 Mitsubishi 2006B24FSilver
ex unknown operator, Balclutha; ex Dan Tour Ltd - Auckland.
EPD814 Mitsubishi RosaJLABE64DJ0PF00150 Mitsubishi 2008B24FRed
XU9180 Toyota Hiace7A8H60F0899003580 Toyota 1993B11FWhite
ex Japan.
Total buses in fleet = 7

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