Skydive Queenstown Ltd (Nzone) - Queenstown
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Skydive Queenstown Ltd (Nzone) - Queenstown.
Fleet List | Disposal List |
Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating | Livery |
CRH563 | Toyota Hiace | JTFHS02P100015959 | Toyota | 2005 | B10F | Nzone | |
JPJ732 | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLFBE64DJ0RK30263 | Mitsubishi | 2016 | B23F | Nzone | |
JSM95 | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLFBE64DJ0RK30334 | Mitsubishi | 2016 | B23F | Nzone | |
JYU458 | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLFBE64DJ0RK30428 | Mitsubishi | 2016 | B23F | Nzone | |
Total buses in fleet = 4 |
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