New Zealand International Coach Ltd - Parnell
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by New Zealand International Coach Ltd - Parnell.
Fleet List | Disposal List |
Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating | Livery |
JNY259 | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLFBE64DJ0RK30244 | Mitsubishi | 2016 | B24F | White | |
JZW228 | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLFBE64DJ0RK30416 | Mitsubishi | 2016 | B24F | White | |
NZI786 | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLABE64DJ0RH10481 | Mitsubishi | 2014 | B24F | White | |
ex HQB253. | |||||||
PUF881 | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLABE64DJ0RH10069 | Mitsubishi | 2012 | B24F | White | |
ex GQQ781. | |||||||
PUJ884 | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLABE64DJ0RH10058 | Mitsubishi | 2012 | B24F | White | |
ex GQQ784. | |||||||
PUQ347 | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLABE64DJ0RH10071 | Mitsubishi | 2012 | B24F | White | |
ex GQQ782. | |||||||
PWQ936 | Mitsubishi Rosa | JLABE64DJ0RH10064 | Mitsubishi | 2012 | B24F | White | |
ex GQQ780. | |||||||
Total buses in fleet = 7 |
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