Discount Rentals (Central Otago Coachlines) - Alexandra

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Discount Rentals (Central Otago Coachlines) - Alexandra.

Fleet List   Disposal List

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeatingLivery
Formerly Discount Rentals (Alexandra Minibuses), Alexandra.
AYR247 Mitsubishi Rosa7A8CJ060902200185 Mitsubishi 2003C16FWhite
ex (18) AYR247, Explorer Tourline Ltd, Harewood, Christchurch; ex Japan.
FQW586 MAN 12.220WMAA67ZZZ1H001467 AB Denning Galaxy 2002C37FWhite
ex FQW586, Alps Travel, Ilam, Christchurch; ex (77) FQW586, AYT100, Reesby Buses Ltd, Rotorua.
HQH70 Scania K124EB6YS4K6X20001841187 AB Denning Galaxy 2001C50DWhite
ex (114) HQH70, Red Bus Ltd, Christchurch; ex (510) JCL10, Johnstons Coachlines Ltd, Auckland; ex (23) SCL23, Scenic Coachlines Ltd, Auckland.
HQH92 Scania K124EB6YS4K6X20001839866 AB Denning Galaxy 2001C50DWhite
ex (115) HQH92, Red Bus Ltd, Christchurch; ex (37) SCL037, Johnstons Coachlines Ltd, Auckland; ex (37) SCL037, Scenic Coachlines Ltd, Auckland.
NJF247 MAN 10.180WMA4690507G058291 Designline 1991C37FWhite
ex (31) PY289, Explorer Tourline Ltd, Harewood, Christchurch; ex (2) PY289, Parakai Travel Ltd, Auckland.
PRF707 MAN 11.2306AB7520240MX00580 Express 1995C29FWhite
ex (21) BAE525, Explorer Tourline Ltd, Harewood; ex Australia.
Total buses in fleet = 6

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