Abbots Holdings Ltd - Wiri

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Abbots Holdings Ltd - Wiri.

Fleet List   Disposal List

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Bus # Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeatingLiveryDepot
1HYR967 Hino RK1767AT08411X15640184 CWI Ranger 1988C45FWhiteAuckland
ex NY85.
4ABBOT4 Scania K114IB6YS2K6X20001844118 Australian Autobus 2004C50DAbbotsAuckland
ex CAH357.
6ECW323 MAN 15.280WMAA67ZZ15C005598 Kiwi Bus Builders 2007C43FAbbotsAuckland
7ZR8239 Freightliner XB4UZ6XJBA2WC924928 Designline 2001C37FOld AbbotsAuckland
FOR SALE on TradeMe; by 06/2019.
ex (73) ZR8239, Reesby Buses Ltd, Rotorua; ex (73) ZR8239, CJ & SM McGlade (Reesby Buses), Papakura, Auckland.
8RC8475 Hino RG19740083 CWI Ranger 1991B47DWhiteAuckland
ex (12), RC8475, Howick and Eastern Buses, East Tamaki, Auckland - InMotion Group.
10KCF580 Volvo B12YV3R2A3171A009044 Designline 2001C50DAbbotsAuckland
ex (60) 1TOUR, ZU4418, Clarks Coachline, Kawakawa.
12QDE269 MAN 11.1907AB7520711AS00454 Designline 1998B39DWWhiteAuckland
ex (12) GEK59 Abbots Holdings Ltd, Wiri; ex (L37) GEK59, Leisure Time Tours Ltd, Hamilton; ex (14) GEK59, Otago Road Services Ltd, Dunedin; ex (1253) GEK59, Ritchies Transport Holdings Ltd, NZ; ex (712) GEK59, XI9044, NZ Bus (Auckland), NZ; ex (712) XI9044, Stagecoach New Zealand, NZ.
19FSU435 Mercedes-Benz OC500RFEB63440121000002 Coach Design 2011C50DABT-WhiteAuckland
ex (977) FSU435, Ritchies Transport Holdings Ltd, NZ; ex (97) FSU435, Reesby Buses, Rotorua - InMotion Group; ex FSU435, Keith Andrews (Mercedes-Benz dealer), NZ.
Total buses in fleet = 8

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