Miscellaneous operators - Christchurch

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Miscellaneous operators - Christchurch.

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Chassis Body Number Fleet Numbers/Registrations
Ankai HFF6100Ankai1LNY902
Austral Tourmaster HD1Austral1BNT105
Fuso RosaFuso1PWW680
Hino RainbowHino2BPU181, DWE965
King Long XMQ6996King Long2EWF942, KHS876
MAN 15.280NCBC1MKQ913
Mercede-Benz SprinterMercedes-Benz1FKT808
Mercedes-Benz SprinterMercedes-Benz10EYB8, FDS808, GSF345, JYC215, KEF431, LAR495, LCG435, LCN116,
NBF97, NRM945
Mercedes-Benz VitoMercedes-Benz1KCW6
Mitsubishi FusoMitsubishi1EBT818
Mitsubishi RosaMitsubishi8EDZ211, EET834, GFT965, GMW47, GPP895, GSF373, KCN189,
Mt Cook Denning TCR49Mt Cook Denning Mk 11TE2070
Nissan CivilianNissan1ECR253
Scania K113TRBAustral Denning Majestic1GNG887
Toyota CoasterToyota2HPK209, JLT120
Toyota HiaceToyota2CBG218, LFB298
Volvo B12Austral Denning Majestic1CWB158
Yutong ZK6760DAAYutong2KSK189, LAQ367
Zhong Tong LCK6906HZhong Tong1PQJ957
Zhong Tong LCK6980 CreatorZhong Tong1FER553

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