Mojosurf - Byron Bay

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Mojosurf - Byron Bay.

Fleet List   Operator Information

Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeating
TV 6974 Fuso RosaJLFBE64DJ0PF01268 Fuso - -/09C24C
Reg 29/9/15 ex Stonestreets Coaches Pty Ltd, Toowoomba, QLD (Rosa 6) 508 MVD.
TV 6975 Toyota Hi-Ace Commuter5647 Toyota - -/12C13C
Reg 29/9/15.
AU14ER Mitsubishi Rosa0589 Mitsubishi - -/07C24C
First reg 7/5/07.
? Volvo B10MYV31MGC19GD012450 Volgren VG159 3/87B53F
ex Port Stephens Coaches Pty Ltd, Anna Bay (21) m/o 527 10/14.
Total buses in fleet = 4
Previously operated vehicles
TV 3299 Autobus - Cummins6T9P05AAL40CYH006 Autobus - 12/06C38FT
ex Port Stephens Coaches Pty Ltd, Anna Bay (8) TV 3299 late-2015; Built from the remains of former m/o 7426 Austral Denning Aspire which was destroyed by fire in 2006 - Is thought to be the first vehicle to be produced by the revived Australian Autobus operation in Brisbane.
Sold to C Felton t/a Go Oz Tours, Gold Coast, QLD as XQ60QZ; Advertised for sale 12/22 (seating C41FT). Sold to Maxabill Pty Ltd (WR & MR Imrie), Cootamundra and reg TV 1098 19/5/23.
TV 4080 Volvo B9RYV3S5M1277A122605 Coach Design 563 1/08C53F
Sold to Brizac Pty Ltd t/a Currumbin Valley Bus & Coach, Currumbin Beach, QLD, 1/15 as 114 VII.
TV 4144 Collins RE200048SB2CBX1PL000215 MCA FCC348 4/96B27F
ex Driver Buslines, Glen Iris, Vic (3) 1003 AO -/06; ex NUI 003.
Withdrawn for sale.
TV 6015 Denning Gold Phoenix6T9P05ABJ904UF027 Coach Design 656 11/09C65FT
ex TV 5668.
Sold to Thompson Bus Services, Joyner, QLD as (33) 033 GJT 12/14.
TV 8170 Volvo B10MYV31MG01XSA043828 PMCA 2530 10/95C42FT
ex Port Stephens Coaches Pty Ltd, Anna Bay TV 8170 -/18; Reg 5/17 ex Trevor John Limond t/a Funcoach4u Limousine & Shuttle Service, Thornton TV 5770; Reg 6/7/16 ex P Young t/a Maloy's Coach Service, Ourimbah TV 4794 6/16; ex SeaLink, Adelaide, SA (4) VVC 472 -/10; ex Coachlines of Australia, Trinity Gardens VVC 872; ex Festival Tours, Edwardstown VVC 872; ex DAS Fleet, Woomera.
Sold to Monahan family, QLD for non-PSV -/19 & advertised for sale 9/22.
ZGX 930 Volvo B7RYV3R60412YA002091 ABM Grange 01-167A 10/01C48FT
Noted for sale 3/10.
No of withdrawn buses listed = 6

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