McDermott Chartours - Riverstone
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by McDermott Chartours - Riverstone.
Fleet List | Operator Information |
Bus # | Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
103 | TV 8033 | MCA - GM s50 | 6F9300D08SB004294 | MCA Marathon | TMA401 | 8/95 | C36FT |
Reg 28/8/14 ex Network Car & Truck Rentals, Bundaberg, QLD WLW 01 by 7/14; ex Driver Bus Lines Pty Ltd, Mt Waverley, VIC (55) 1055 AO; ex (WA) TC 5155; ex 1055 AO; ex NMT 055; ex (255); ex (155). | |||||||
104 | 2660 MO | Motorcoach 13.5m - GM s60 | 6F9301D05VB004347 | Motorcoach Classic III | LAS443 | 5/97 | C50FTB |
ex Deanes Travel Pty Ltd t/a Soul Quest Travel, South Pambula (104) 2660 MO 4/14; ex MO 5254; ex Southern Cross Motor Coaches Pty Ltd t/a Bega Valley Coaches , Bega (9700) MO 5254 11/07; ex Southern Cross Motor Coaches Pty Ltd t/a Lever Coachlines, Queanbeyan AV01IO 3/7/00; ex AV00EM 5/00. | |||||||
105 | TV 6453 | Austral Denning Highlander - GM s60 | 6F9R1JL60SD001023 | Austral Denning Highlander | CM01450 | 2/96 | C48FT |
Reg 2/4/22 ex TV 6453 (dereg by 28/12/21); ex Loaders Coaches Pty Ltd, Grenfell (4) TV 6453 c4/16; ex TV 476 -/16; ex AP & PJ King, King Bros Bus Service (105) TV 476 by 9/02; ex Newman's Bus Service (Botsford Holdings Pty Ltd), Macksville TV 476 1/7/00; First reg 11/2/96. | |||||||
Total buses in fleet = 3 | |||||||
Previously operated vehicles | |||||||
101 | TV 6591 | Austral Denning Highlander 14.5m - GM 892 | 6F9R2CL31SD001016 | Austral Denning Majestic | CH01120 | 6/95 | C56FT |
ex (VIC) 5082 AO 26/11/11; ex Ken Hainsworth t/a Pegasus Coach Tours, Riverstone 5082 AO; ex (VIC) QLS 317; ex Firefly Coaches Pty Ltd, Maidstone, VIC (37) QLS 317 via Scania (dlr) -/99; ex VX70DB. Dereg by 28/8/21. | |||||||
102 | TV 7138 | Asia Cosmos AM828 | KN2GAD4C3XD000008 | B&CI | MSTC035 | 1/99 | C32FV |
Reg 11/8/12 ex ABC Tours, Perth TC 3891 via Auction, Perth Airport 6/12; ex Tours by Myma, Perth TC 3891; ex Tours by Ron, Ballajura TC 3891. Dereg 10/8/19. | |||||||
No of withdrawn buses listed = 2 |
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