Eggins Comfort Coaches - Taree - Hino RK8J/Custom Coaches SB40
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Eggins Comfort Coaches - Taree.
Chassis List | Full Fleet List Operator Information Fleet Summary Disposal List |
Bus # | Rego # | Chassis | VIN | Body | Body # | Body Date | Seating |
11 | 6611 MO | Hino RK8J | JHDRK8JSKXXX13064 | Custom Coaches SB40 | 09-147 | 1/10 | B61F |
ex Lansdowne Bus Service (A & P Greenshields), Lansdowne 6611 MO 1/1/12 - First reg 24/1/10. | |||||||
14 | 2515 MO | Hino RK8J | JHDRK8JSKXXX10480 | Custom Coaches SB40 | 08-043 | 6/08 | B61F |
ex Lansdowne Bus Service (A & P Greenshields), Lansdowne 2515 MO 1/1/12; ex MO 8040. | |||||||
Total buses in fleet = 2 |
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