Buslines Group - Kandos-Rylstone Buslines

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Buslines Group.

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Bus # Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeatingLivery
521599 MO Fuso RosaJLFBE64DJ0RK30165 Fuso - 12/15C24C
ex Wingham (52) by 9/24; ex Buslines Group Pty Ltd t/a Lithgow Buslines, Lithgow (32) 1599 MO 7/24; Previously spent time at Berrima Buslines and Kandos-Rylstone Buslines; Acquired ex private school, Sydney by 5/21.
527351 MO Fuso Rosa BE7JLFBE741J0RM10515 Fuso - 6/22C24C
Reg by 12/22.
547044 MO Toyota Hi-Ace CommuterJTFST22P600020072 Toyota - -/14B14C
ex Tovehill Pty Ltd t/a Rylstone Charter & Tour Buses, Rylstone (7) 7044 MO 1/5/17; First reg 5/6/14.
557046 MO Toyota CoasterJTGFP528805500466 Toyota - -/12B21C
ex Tovehill Pty Ltd t/a Rylstone Charter & Tour Buses, Rylstone (5) 7046 MO 1/5/17; First reg 22/2/12.
567042 MO Toyota Coaster XZB50RJTGFP528X05500596 Toyota - 10/12B21C
ex Tovehill Pty Ltd t/a Rylstone Charter & Tour Buses, Rylstone (6) 7042 MO 1/5/17; First reg 26/10/12.
577177 MO Daewoo BH117LKL5UR61NECU000578 UBC Chiron 120494AB 4/13SC57F
ex Tovehill Pty Ltd t/a Rylstone Charter & Tour Buses, Rylstone (10) 7177 MO 1/5/17; First reg 22/4/13.
587908 MO Daewoo BH117LKL5UR61NEDU000702 UBC-Chiron CS120 120557AB 8/15C61F
ex Tovehill Pty Ltd t/a Rylstone Charter & Tour Buses, Rylstone (8) 7908 MO 1/5/17; First reg 29/5/15.
598091 MO Daewoo BH117LKL5UR61NEDU000703 UBC Chiron "CS120" 120558AB 9/15C43F
ex Tovehill Pty Ltd t/a Rylstone Charter & Tour Buses, Rylstone (11) 8091 MO 1/5/17; First reg 11/5/16.
607960 MO Volvo B7RYV3R6R62XHA184079 Bustech SBV 17/060 10/17C61F
Reg 3/11/17.
Total buses in fleet = 9

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