Natureland Bus Service - Bellingen

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Natureland Bus Service - Bellingen.

Operator Information   Full Fleet List

Accreditation: Seaisle Pty Ltd, Acc No. 38570, Bellingen
Livery: 39 Hammond St, Bellingen
School Runs: S125 Chrysallis Steiner School (Darkwood) - North Bellingen (via Bellingen)
S126 Chrysallis Steiner School (Darkwood) - Bellingen
S127 Bellingen schools - Thora via Boggy Creek Rd

Shawn Walker registered the company name Natureland Bus Service on October 5 2012 to take over N2094 Bellingen - Thora, N2095 Bellingen - Boggy Creek & N2877 Chrysalis School - Bellingen from KW Baldwin, Bowraville with 3 buses in October 2012.

School services renumbered effective 6/7/20. S127 operates a triple run consisting of; 1) Orama P.S. - Chrysallis Steiner School - Bellingen, 2) Bellingen schools - Thora via Boggy Creek Rd & 3) feeder from Busways Coffs Harbour services - Thora.

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