Holmes - Baan Baa

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Holmes - Baan Baa.

Operator Information   Full Fleet List

Accreditation: Jeffrey Holmes, Acc No. 32088, Baan Baa
Depot Address/s: 10 Anne St, Narrabri
2 Reid St, Narrabri
School Runs: Narrabri - Baan Baa
Narrabri - Lindonfield / Kylper

Acquired the Baan Baa & Lyndonfield / Kylper runs from Shields Bus Service Pty Ltd (L & MJ Shields), Baan Baa with MO 2724 & MO 2760 in 2007 - Shields in turn acquired the runs from GJ Haire, Baan Baa.

© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact NSW Moderators