Beaumont - Coffs Harbour

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Beaumont - Coffs Harbour.

Operator Information   Full Fleet List

Accreditation: PA & TJ Beaumont Pty Ltd, Acc No. 42777, Coffs Harbour
Depot Address/s: 110 Mount Browne Rd, Upper Orara
Livery: White and blue
School Runs: S987 Ulong to Coffs Harbour Schools via Coramba Rd (ex N0570)
S988 Upper Orara to Karangi Public & Upper Orara Public via Dairyville (ex N1603)

Truck & Bus Transportation service changes notes R & P Beaumont commencing a new school service from Coffs Harbour - Timmsville in February 1983. In December 1987, services were taken over from A & M Barrett.

Sold Lines of Route N1604 Coffs Harbour - Orara & N1605 Coffs Harbour - Orara - Dairyville to Newcombe Coachlines Pty Ltd, Coffs Harbour in January 2010 with 1967 MO, 1970 MO & 1971 MO. Beaumont retained N0570 (Coffs Harbour) - Upper Orana - Dairyville and N1603 Orara - Timmsvale.

In approximately 2010, a generational shift occurred from RJ & PJ Beaumont Pty Ltd (Acc No. 7926) to Paul Beaumont (Acc No. 36627), then incorporated as PA & TJ Beaumont Pty Ltd on 3 May 2017 (to gain acc no. 42777).

Services renamed and renumbered in conjunction with Transported Connected Bus Program (TCB) roll out in February 2024.

© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact NSW Moderators