Eggins Comfort Coaches - Taree

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Eggins Comfort Coaches - Taree.

Fleet Summary   Full Fleet List   Operator Information   Disposal List

Chassis Body Number Fleet Numbers/Registrations
Fuso RosaFuso142
Hino RG230ABM SB40133
Hino RK8JCustom Coaches SB40211, 14
Hino RN8JCustom SB5026, 34
Hino RN8JP&D132
Irisbus DeltaExpress21, 26
Irisbus EuroriderABM CB5022, 23
Irisbus EuroriderCustom Coaches CB50119
Iveco DeltaCustom Coaches SB40138
Iveco DeltaCustom SB50413, 39, 40, 41
Iveco DeltaExpress310, 12, 36
Iveco EuroriderCustom Coaches SB4014
Iveco MetroCustom CB80320, 27, 28
Iveco MetroCustom Coaches CB60 Evo II48, 9, 22, 24
Metrotec 16.250Custom Coaches CB50217, 29
Metrotec 16.250Express125
Metrotec DeltaCustom Coaches 510218, 30
Mitsubishi RosaMitsubishi143
Scania K310IBVolgren Endura83, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
Scania K320CBVolgren Endura216, 21
Scania K320UBExpress27, 15

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