Torrens Transit / Torrens Connect - Transit Systems

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Torrens Transit / Torrens Connect - Transit Systems.

Fleet List   Full Fleet List   Fleet Summary   Livery Summary   Advertising Fleet   Disposal List

To list buses for a particular depot, select the depot from the dropdown box and click 'Submit'

Bus # Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeatingLiveryDepot
Buses to be delivered or being prepared for service
?? Scania K360UA O-BahnYS2K4X2000191 BusTech (SA) 'VST' 2021?Admet newMorphettville
?? Scania K360UA O-BahnYS2K4X2000191 BusTech (SA) 'VST' 2021?Admet newMorphettville
?? Scania K360UA O-BahnYS2K4X2000191 BusTech (SA) 'VST' 2021?Admet newMorphettville

© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact Dave C