SouthLink - Keolis Downer

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by SouthLink - Keolis Downer.

Fleet Summary   Full Fleet List   Livery Summary   To Be Delivered   Disposal List

Chassis Body Number Fleet Numbers/Registrations
BCI - CumminsBCI Proma LF23623, 3624
Bustech - Cummins ISLBustech 'CDi'13402
Scania K270UBVolgren 'CR228L'33276, 3277, 3278
Scania K280UBCustom 'CB80'103226, 3227, 3228, 3229, 3231, 3232, 3233, 3234, 3235, 3236
Scania K280UBCustom Coaches 'CB60 Evo II'33223, 3224, 3225
Scania K320HBBusTech (SA) 'VST'13585
Scania K320HBVolgren 'Optimus'53504, 3505, 3506, 3507, 3508
Scania K320UB HybridBusTech (SA) 'VST'33501, 3502, 3503
Scania K320UDGemilang13401
Scania K360UABusTech (SA) 'VST-A'23380, 3381
Scania K360UACustom 'CB80'103370, 3371, 3372, 3373, 3374, 3375, 3376, 3377, 3378, 3379
Scania L94UAVolgren 'CR228L'13331
Scania L94UBVolgren 'CR224L'263200, 3201, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3206, 3207, 3208, 3209,
3210, 3211, 3212, 3213, 3214, 3215, 3216, 3217, 3218, 3219,
3220, 3221, 3222, 3271, 3272, 3273
Scania L94UBVolgren 'CR228L'23274, 3275
Scania L94UB 14.5mVolgren 'CR224L'123312, 3313, 3350, 3351, 3352, 3353, 3354, 3355, 3356, 3357,
3358, 3359
Scania L94UB 14.5mVolgren 'CR228L'33314, 3315, 3316

© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact Dave C